Good News
Our second visit to the Pulmonologist found that Claire's
lungs are functioning well. She has
about 70% capacity because the "other" lung has grown to make up for
the parts of the lung that were removed. The trachea is not collapsing as they thought after the first
visit. In fact, our doctor says that
the biggest reason Claire is out of breath all the time is because she is so
out of shape. Since no one was sure of
her health, she wasn't encouraged to get much physical activity. We have pushed her to be more active, but
have been cautious until we were sure it wouldn't hurt her. She is also very unwilling to exert herself. Our doctor's prescription is to run, jump,
ride bikes, climb, and play in order to gain strength. So, if you see me dragging a reluctant child
down the street or up the stairs, just know that I'm doing what is best for
her, even if it makes her very unhappy.
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Supposed to be jumping on the outdoor "pillow" at the campground. |
Bad News
Our visit to the Gastroenterologist found that there is
liver disease. Her liver is not
producing the enzymes it is supposed to be making. There is also a hemangioma (abnormal collection of blood vessels)
in her liver. More tests are required before we can talk details. That means more scans and blood draws. It is so hard to get blood. Even when they find a vein, it dries up
within a few seconds making it difficult to get enough for the required lab
tests. The bruises all over Claire's
arms are not from me dragging her around to exercise—they are from the
"pokes" at the doctor.
No News
Not knowing is the hardest part for me right now. My imagination starts to think up possible
scenarios as I research liver disease.
I want to get answers fast so we can start making the necessary changes
to help my girl get well. But, it takes
weeks and months to get on the schedule for the next test, or to get an
appointment with another specialist. I
feel so helpless sometimes—until I take my frustration to my Heavenly
Father. He is sovereign over all
things. His timing is always
perfect. He never wastes
suffering. When I remember that He is
the one in charge, peace returns, and I can rest in the knowledge that God
loves Claire more than I, and He is working for her good. The doctors can do what they will, God has
Claire in the palm of His hand. I can
trust Him with the good, the bad, and the unknown.
Dear Rebecca
ReplyDeleteYour blog continues to be deeply inspiring. Please trust me -- Your honesty is courageous. For the rest of us -- whether we are adoptive parents or not -- we too face difficult, discouraging times, when we doubt, when we feel all kinds of frustration and worse -- your account, your testimony affirms our humanity. This is not weakness, this takes great strength to write about this. God is supporting you and Claire and your family and us.
As someone who knew Claire during some of her darkest days in the hospital in Beijing , when we didn't know if she would live or die -- I dreamt of her surviving and one day being adopted by a family in the United States. What I never imagined was a family and a mom as wonderful as you.
with blessings
Johnny Drimmer