Tuesday, July 10, 2012

If You Are Happy

We showed Kaichen around her room tonight via Skype.  She said she planned to sleep in that bed when she gets to America.  How sweet to think about tucking her in and placing a kiss on that little face. 

Then, she led us in singing.  "If You're Happy and You Know It."  She clapped her hands and made a beautiful happy face. Our singing was, well…be glad you couldn't hear it.   

I do want this adoption to be a happy, happy adventure.


No adoption comes without loss.  We will be pulling this sweet little girl away from all the people she knows who love her.  I can't even imagine leaving your home and going with strangers who only speak strange words that you can't understand to a far away place that you can't even imagine:  A place where the food will be strangely different, where the sights and smells are all so foreign, and where you will always be just a little different because you are from two worlds.

Part of my heart breaks for the losses:  For the birth mama who had to choose to abandon her baby, for the extended family who will not know the sweet smile of this precious little girl who could be a granddaughter sister or niece, for the orphanage and foster home families who poured  love into saving this little life and helping her to grow, for all that she will miss by leaving behind her home.

Another part is so proud of all the courage Kaichen reveals in her life:  Learning to love again, fighting to live when the odds were against it, and bravely anticipating a new life ahead.

The largest bit  of my heart stands in awe of the God who is working out His amazing plan for redemption and restoration.  I'm so thankful for the privilege of being Kaichen's mama and of being part of her story.  I know there will be pain ahead.  You can't be transplanted into a new world without it.  So, I'll trust that God knows exactly what is best.  I'll sit back and watch His amazing love transform all our lives for His glory!

1 comment:

  1. So well said, Rebecca. I think about the same things you do. God must have given us that special sensitivity and discernment for a reason. Pray for me, as God has put a burden on my own heart for ministry in this area. I am waiting for Jerry to hear God's voice in it as well. So happy for you and Kaichen! Praying for all of you and following your story in much anticipation as it unfolds.

