Monday, June 18, 2012

Miracles Continue

I breathed a quiet prayer.  "Is she my little girl?  God if she is ours, I'm willing. Is she?"

She was six years old.  Older than we said we were interested in.  But God wouldn't let us put her out of our minds.

We started our homestudy and got the paperwork moving.  Claire's sweet smile was our motivation.

Then, when we finally reached the stage where we could ask our adoption agency to inquire about Claire's real name so that her adoption file could be located, we discovered the need for another miracle.

Claire had no adoption file.

Her SWI was convinced that she would not live.  They didn't put her paperwork together.  Once she did live, they were convinced that she was too old, too sick, too delayed to be adopted.  She is "unadoptable" we were told.  (Even though Claire is living at New Day Foster Home, the SWI is her guardian and controls all decisions pertaining to her life.)

Had they told us that another family was already in process of adopting her, we would have moved on to another of the hundreds of waiting kiddos.  But the thought of her waiting, and waiting with out ever having the opportunity to be in a family was just not acceptable.   We asked what we could do.  We wrote a letter asking the director of the SWI to put her adoption file together and promising to adopt her if they did.

Then we waited.

When we finally got news, it wasn't good.  The police officer who found her did not sign the abandonment papers.  He could not be found. Without that signature, she could not be adopted.

We prayed. We asked everyone we knew to pray.  We prayed some more.

After three weeks, we were informed that the paperwork was again "in process."

Not possible, but happening.  She was supposed to die, but she didn't.  She was unadoptable, but we are now officially matched with her as her family. Yes, miracles happen.  I can't wait to see what comes next!


  1. Congratulations on your match to beautiful Claire!!

    I just stumbled across your blog and was delighted to see that you are Claire's new family! Claire has long held a special place in my heart and we have helped pray her through many obstacles during her time at NDFH. Claire is one of 'my' kids... meaning, I do her monthly sponsorship update each month, and each of the children whom I am assigned hold an extra special place in my heart. It blesses me to see she is going to such a loving family!

    We are also adoptive parents to a special New Day child. We brought our Khloe home in May of 2010 and we feel so blessed that God allowed us to be her family! He is faithful and I look forward to following the rest of your journey to your precious daughter!! Once again, Congratulations and God bless! <><


  2. Tanya,
    It is wonderful to "meet" people like you who have loved Claire before I even knew she existed. Thank you for all the prayers you have offered on her behalf, and for giving her that special place in your heart.
    So happy that Khloe has you to be her family. God is in the business of restoring and healing. I'm so glad He chooses to allow us to play a part in loving the children He loves so very much.
